Monday, January 20, 2014

Not sure how to handle this

A new kid showed up at school today, teacher said she was a transfer student. Kid's name was Jordanne. What was strange that she's even more quiet then me. Had she not been called on by the teacher I would have thought she was a mute. And call me paranoid, but I'm pretty sure the girl was staring at me all through class. Usually I would have dismissed this as my own paranoia getting to me. One does tend to be paranoid when they spend a majority of their time reading horror. You all understand of course, since you all seem to be crazy.

I could have just left it there. Maybe I had something in my teeth(which I showed a lot in my charming smiles). But get this! The girl actually followed me home! She stopped once I had entered my house. I watched her as she stared at my door for a good five minutes before continuing to walk down the sidewalk. It was a rather creepy occurrence. Not one of the ones I enjoy either.

So then I thought of what I can do about my stalker problem, and then I realized that there was nothing I could do. As much as that irritates me, I dislike sitting on my hands and doing nothing. Of course I could just be overreacting to all of this. Perhaps her house was simply the same way as mine. Perhaps my house was simply interesting to her so she decided to look at it for a few moments. Only time will tell I suppose.

Today's creepypasta:

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Looking in the mirror

And your reflection is staring back.

The straitjacket is new though, and yet it's already torn. So is the unruly red hair.

Though I told you to smile, this smile doesn't even fit on your face, it's unnerving.

And your eyes, looking at them is giving me a headache.

I'm beginning to think this isn't your reflection at all.

This won't do. No, no, no, this won't do at all.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Setting the stage

Greetings, ladies and gentleman. My name is Edward Valentine.

I'm seventeen and a senior in high school. I spend my time reading, when I'm not buried in homework, or hanging out with my piles of friends. Note the sarcasm. I'm actually the loner in my school. Try to remember back to your school days for a moment. Remember that kid that always sat in the back, all quiet like? The kid that everyone always called creepy? Yeah that's me.

So I usually find a lot of time to read.

You may find yourself wondering, "What is it he reads?" If not, I'm going to tell you anyways. I enjoy stories that fall in the horror genre. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, H.P. Lovecraft, etc. When I'm not reading horror novels I find myself exploring the archives of this site. The creatures that people can come up with are surprisingly frightening. Psychopathic faceless business men, slack-jawed stalkers, even killers who are worried about your sleeping habits. That last one still gives me shivers.

What amazes me the most, is that there are people that act like some of these creatures are real. Saying that they're actually running from one, such as this Raggedy fellow, or this Mad scientist woman. Then scarier yet, we have people saying that they actually serve one of them. Like this twisted yet strangely amusing woman who has a knack for knitting, or this scarred medic with a schizophrenic boyfriend. It's all strange, yet fascinating.

There's not much else to say. Not anything else I feel the need to tell you about. So that brings this post to a close.

I welcome you to the freak show, please take your seats and prepare yourselves.


Smile now, don't let them see. That's not quite right. No, little bit bigger. Smaller.... a bit cheesier. Perfect.

Your smile is full of life, yet your eyes are dead. They make you a dead giveaway. See what I did there? 

Come now, you can't even manage a courtesy laugh? 

You don't wish to do this anymore? Of course you don't, you say this everyday. Well, suck it up. Grin and bear it. Be the quiet, polite boy they know. Not the monster you truly are. 

You've fooled them good, haven't you? All these years. 

Get ready. 

Won't be long now.